1/28/12 CrossFit Kids, Animal Soccer, & Dumbell Haze

-Written by KC

CrossFit Kids

Our Crossfit Kids have been making big perfomance gains, I even had Helena come up to me and say, "Aunty, I'm really getting better at Skin the Cat, all on my OWN (without me spotting her)!" And you can see Max, photo at right, using his foot lock on the rope climb.Photo above: Helena does Toes to Bar. Below: The kids do varied movements, Skin the Cat, Rope climb, Box Jumps, Tarzan Bar Walk...

We had 3 Birthday celebration workouts this week! Happy Birthday to Sophia, Max, and Della(her birthday was at Christmas but she never got to make up her birthday wod till this week)






ADULTS: Saturday morning class starts out with Animal Soccer! A point was made by Josh's team! The first adult point made ever in our box!

Below: Isometric holds in the warm up, longest hang on the pull up bar was Michelle Suber 2:31

Below: Max Plank Hold winner Marta 3:21

Below: 50 Ring Dips or 100 Bench dips for time

Above: Max Handstand Hold was Michelle Suber 2:01









Above: Sandra Martin, winner of our Paleo Powered Holidays Nutrition Challenge takes home her $150 winning check! It pays to be an AllStar Paleo eater! For her full story go to our our Testemonials.

Workout of the Day

Warm Up:

Animal Soccer

Max Bar Hang
Max Plank
Max Handstand Hold

Skill: 50 Ring Dips/ 100 Bench Dips for time


“Dumbell Haze”

4 Rounds with partners:

5 Dumbell Cleans (Male 40/45, Female 35/30)

10 Dumbell Front Squats

10 Dumbell Lunges

400 m. Run


CrossFit AllStar