Aloha AllStars!

THE 2015 ALLSTAR ROUND-UP IS OVER!!! It went so well this year, I'd say the best year yet! We had a rocking staff of volunteer and amazing performances by all atheltes of all levels from KIDS as young as 5 years, to elders up to 101 years and everyone in between! 
If you missed it, be sure to check our Facebook page at 'KC Stallsmith' or 'CrossFit AllStar' as albums are released! Here's a couple shots of our group, and of the secret Mystery WOD where the athletes were suprised to be told to head over to the HPA POOL deck to find our they were doing a workout Josh named 'Wet Fran'! PLEASE SEE THE ROUND-UP CAMPOUT INVITE BELOW to celebrate all we've accomplished as a box. We're truly blessed to have each other and to keep improving ourselves each year together either as atheltes or volunteers or organizers. We're all in this together and now it's time to CELEBRATE ALL THE SUCCESS OF THIS EVENT! 
Group Photo taken by Sarah Pulcino 
Mystery workout Wet Fran at HPA Pool photo by Ford Stallsmith of Alika Ho'omana
This years Volunteer Staff an outstanding crew of individuals!
Blessed to be surrounded by people who are committed to excellence and belief in our mission! THE ROUND-UP WOULD NOT BE POSSIBLE (or run so smooth!) WITHOUT OUR VOLUNTEER STAFF! Mahalo for all your help leading up to and during every moment of this years AllStar Round-Up! NOT PICTURED Tammy Hess Kimmi Park, Sarah Pulcino, Mahealani Winters Roxanne Vallente Savannah Vicker, Steve Morse, Jessi Hudgins, and ALL THE CFAS ATHLETES who helped set up and take down!!! SORRY IF IME FORGETTING ANYONE!!!
When: Friday Nov. 20, 5pm....till Saturday morning Nov. 21 (NEED A RIDE DOWN MEET AT THE LOOKOUT 4PM!)
Overnight campout optional!
What: Gratitude Campout for all folks involved with the AllStar Round-Up 2015! It's our way to thank you! Bring your own camping gear/tents/bedding/lights and camping supplies.  
Where: Waipio Valley beach (overnight camping at your own risk) 'Leave no trace' mentality required, pack OUT what you pack IN! Leave no trash! Overnight camping is officially not permitted in the Valley, so you will be camping at your own risk and this will NOT be considered a CrossFit AllStar event. This is a 'gratitude campout' for our friends of the AllStar Round-Up.
How: Carpool if can, try to limit the amount of cars going down and the impact on the beack. 4WD vehicles only. Drive at your own risk. This is not a CFAS event, this is a gathering invited by Josh & KC Stallsmith.
Food: Josh & KC will be doing a BIG Costco run for all food for Friday night (we'll be BBQ-ing), and brekfast for Satuday morning for ALL who want to attend!!! WILL NEED YOUR RSVP replying to this email or by texting KC at 808-357-7851 so we can plan how much food to get and cook. We'll supply water and kids drinks. You'll need to BYOB due to liability purposes we will NOT be supplying alcoholic beverages.
Weather: We will be doing this gathering rain or shine, unless a large storm is predicted. Come prepared!
We hope you can join us! 
Josh & KC
Head on over to CFAS Athlete Mahealani Winters ARBONNE night at the Spencer House! See flyer below!
THE DAY AFTER THE CAMPOUT ON SATURDAY NOV. 21 WILL BE MARY GION'S FIRST CHRISTMAS SALE OPEN HOUSE! This will be a Christmas sale of the goods she makes and she'll be presenting everything at her homein Pa'auilo! If you haven't seen Mary's hand made vintage style art I want to invite you to come with me! See flyer below!
To get to Mary's house follow HWY 19 to 'Kalopa State Park' sign, turn right over small bridge, first left - new road 'Apalahema' go up to next bridge to your left (bridge has white railings, go over bridge) passed large house on left, then come to second house on left. Lots of card in front yard, when you get to curve in road, right side first driveway, wood sign with 2 addresses 44-2109 and 44-2111, also a colorful 'welcome' flag on roadside next to address sign, Gate swings toward the road, don't pull to close! Address is 44-2109 or 44-2111 on Kaapahu Road in Paauilo, 96776. Hope to see you there! 
Lot's of GYM happenings this weekend hope to see you guys!
CrossFit AllStar